Joyful Variations
A Humorous Ode to Beethoven's 9th Symphony and Two Decades of Musical Mischief
Music by Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Johann Strauss, Pharell Williams, Aleksey Igudesman and Hyung-ki Joo
With Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra
Under Sascha Götzel
Joy. Happiness. Is that not what we are all looking for?
Well, look no further because Igudesman & Joo are serving Joy and Happoness on a silver orchestral platter for you. Each serving of music comes with a boost of happiness that will leave you immunized against all the problems of the world- well at least for a good seventy minutes or so. Here is a selection of happy delights that await you. At the center of it we have Igudesman & Joo celebrating the 200 year anniversary of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in their special unique way.
Duration: 60 minutes
Produced by: Only Hands Small Productions, Borusan Sanat, EuroArts